Cassandra Valance
Posts : 6
Coins : 6954
Join date : 2018-01-08
Age : 22
Location : A hollow, pronounced "holler." Yeah, it bothers me, too.

Cassandra Valance

Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:34 pm
Heyo. Some of you might remember me from RLR as the crazy person with the Ryan Reynolds obsession. If not....well, I'm a crazy person with a Ryan Reynolds obsession. I go by Cassandra or any variation thereof. I'm a 16 year-old geek who likes stuff like Star Wars, Downton Abbey, any book by Neil Gaiman (except for Good Omens, since that's mostly Terry Pratchett to begin with), PlayStation, comics, and superhero shows. I'm relatively new at RPing, having done it for less than a year, so some of my stuff will probably reflect that--but I'm trying to better my writing skills. I personally thought that RR didn't do the Roman demigods the justice they deserved, so I'm intrigued by the way you guys have interpreted them. Whenever I start posting stuff, I'll have to balance it with school (like pretty much all of you, I guess) and other unfortunate events of rl, so there's that. I also live in a state where WiFi generally sucks and I live in the ET zone, so I may not even be able to update at the same time as you, but I'll try.

I think that's about it. Guess I'll try to make a character now.

Heyo Tumblr_inline_ouhc2e9SzU1th81h3_540
Posts : 565
Coins : 13364
Join date : 2017-07-14
Age : 26
Location : Wherever, whenever


Mon Jan 08, 2018 12:46 pm
Welcome to the site Cassandra!

If you have any questions please feel free to PM myself or any other staff member for that matter!

I look forward to seeing the characters and the writing you do on here, and we'll definitely need to write together at some point!

I'm usually around at a lot of hours right now, so you'll probably run into me a lot despite the timezone difference.
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